Friday, 23 November 2012

...all the fun of the fair...

For those of you who couldn't make it to the Selvedge Fair at their fab new venue in Chelsea Town Hall a couple of weekends ago, here are a few pictures of our favourite stalls!

Starting with Les Soeurs, of course

The hilarious Julie Arkell was there

 As well as the delightful Jessie Chorley with all her goodies

 Susie and Carol have had enough of answering questions!

Our beautiful mugs and soaps dishes , hand made for Les Soeurs  were a huge success.


  1. That Chelsea venue is a wonderful place...I've been to quite a few antiques shows there over the decades!

    I still have your French workshops on my wish list.

  2. well if you have these guys making stuff for you, it's a winner.
    Love the hares on the mug...

    That fair is one of the destinations on the bucket list..
