Monday, 16 December 2013

….christmas quiz day eight…..

Well, despite some protestations that yesterday's competition questions was too hard, nearly all of you got the answer right - it was, of course the beautiful illustrative work of Jone Hallmark; a consummate artist, designer and crafter (and born teacher!) and she will be joining forces with bookbinder extraordinaire, Alison Kuller, for the workshop Stitched and Bound here in July next year.  Together they will show participants not only how to make a simple book in several ways, but also how to decorate its cover and inside pages with divine cut-outs, block prints and numerous other methods.  It promises to be a fabulous hands-on explosion of techniques and definitely not one to be missed by anyone interested in paper, journals and illustration techniques.

Meanwhile, here is 

What is the name of this little lady whose raison d'être seems to be creating (and re-creating) beautiful things that you can wear or hang on your wall.  Julie Arkell is one of her biggest fan!